甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:15


如何制作传统意大利冰淇淋How Traditional Italian Gelato Is Made |Regional Eats来源:YouTube【如遇侵权请联系版主删帖】 大家爱吃冰淇淋吗?在炎炎夏日,能够吃一个冰淇凌真的就是豪华的存在! 在意大利小镇 Ruvo di Puglia,Giuliana 和 Vincenzo Paparella 兄弟姐妹延续了 180 年的家族传统,只用三种原料制作冰淇淋:牛奶、糖和鸡蛋。这一切都始于 1840 年,当时路易吉叔叔将冰淇淋制作艺术从那不勒斯宫廷带到他的家乡鲁沃,并给了它一个家。快进四代,1840 年的原始配方国王奶油加入了其他七种口味:开心果、杏仁、巧克力、木瓜、牛轧糖、gianduia和榛子。在他们每一个人的背后,这两个兄弟姐妹将改变除糖以外的所有成分,从压碎可可豆到从墨西哥采购香草豆荚。我们跟随 Giuliana,而她向我们展示了杏仁味背后的准备工作。 In the small Italian town of Ruvo diPuglia, siblings Giuliana and Vincenzo Paparella carry on a 180-year-old familytradition making gelato from only three ingredients: milk, sugar, and eggs. Itall started in 1840 when Uncle Luigi brought the art of gelato making from theroyal courts of Naples to his hometown, Ruvo, and gave it a home. Fast-forwardfour generations, and the original 1840 recipe, the King's Cream, has beenjoined by seven other flavors: pistachio, almond, chocolate, quince, nougat,gianduia, and hazelnut. Behind each and every one of them, the two siblingswill transform every ingredient but sugar, from crushing cocoa beans tosourcing vanilla pods from Mexico. We follow Giuliana while she shows us thepreparation behind the almond flavor. 欢迎大家下载收看!

甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:31


甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:37


甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:42


甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:43


甄天 发表于 2021-6-21 12:23:56

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查看完整版本: 如何制作传统意大利冰淇淋